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Version: v3.0.x LTS

Using GraphQL APIs

Using GraphQL APIs

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that provides descriptions of the data in your APIs, and allows for specific queries to facilitate API development. Routing for such APIs is possible within the Zowe ecosystem, however at the present time, Zowe itself does not provide any GraphQL APIs.

For more information about configuring routing to API ML, see the following articles:

  • For information about how to use GraphQL, see GraphQL Best Practices in the GraphQL product documentation.

  • For information about how to use HTTP to deliver the GraphQL interface, see Serving over HTTP in the GraphQL product documentation.

Difference between GraphQL APIs and traditional REST APIs

REST APIs operate on the principle of resource-based endpoints. Each endpoint in a REST API corresponds to a specific resource (like a user or product), and the type of request (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) dictates the operation performed on that resource. This approach leads to a straightforward and uniform interface but often results in the over-fetching or under-fetching of data. Over-fetching occurs when the fixed data structure of an endpoint returns more information than the client needs, while under-fetching happens when the client must make additional requests to gather all the necessary data. Additionally, REST APIs rely heavily on HTTP status codes for error handling and utilize standard HTTP methods for caching and statelessness.

By contrast, GraphQL offers a more flexible and efficient way of working with data. Unlike REST, which uses multiple endpoints, GraphQL uses a single endpoint through which clients can make versatile queries. These queries are tailored to retrieve exactly the data required, eliminating over-fetching and under-fetching issues inherent in REST. GraphQL's strongly typed system, defined by a schema, ensures that the data conforms to a specific structure, providing a contract between the server and client. This approach simplifies data retrieval for complex, nested data and allows for more precise error handling within the responses. However, GraphQL's flexibility can lead to more complex queries and demands careful consideration regarding performance, especially in designing how queries are resolved on the server side.

Routing to GraphQL example

The following routing example applies only to services extending API ML that provide GraphQL APIs.

Use the following format to map to a GraphQL API:



  • gatewayUrl: "api/v1/graphql" serviceUrl: "/graphql"

In this example, the service has a service ID of helloworldservice that exposes the following endpoints:

  • GraphQL https://gateway/helloworldservice/api/v1/graphql routed to https://hwServiceHost:port/graphql/


  • The gatewayUrl is matched against the prefix of the URL path used at the Gateway https://gateway/urlPath
    • urlPath is serviceId/prefix/resourcePath.
  • The service ID is used to find the service host and port.
  • The serviceUrl is used to prefix the resourcePath at the service host.

The service ID is not included in the routing metadata. Instead, the service ID is in the basic Eureka metadata.

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How GraphQL Works

GraphQL operates through the type system you define for your data and uses the following structure:

  • Schema Definition
    Define a 'schema' or a model of the data that can be queried through the API. This schema acts as a contract between the client and the server.
  • Query
    Clients send queries to your GraphQL server. These queries specify what data the client needs.
  • Resolving Queries
    The server processes these queries according to the schema and returns the appropriate results.

Key Concepts of GraphQL

  • Queries and Mutations
    In GraphQL, queries are used for reading data, while mutations are used for writing data. This clear separation makes understanding and maintaining the API simpler.
  • Real-time Data with Subscriptions
    GraphQL supports subscriptions, which allow clients to subscribe to real-time updates, essential for dynamic content applications.
  • Strongly Typed
    GraphQL APIs are strongly typed so that every operation is checked and validated against the schema, leading to more reliable and predictable APIs.

Limitations for the API Mediation Layer

The documentation for the GraphQL is not provided via the standard OpenAPI protocol, but rather, for the most part are living as a sandbox environment within the GraphQL applications.


The API Catalog currently does not support visualization of GraphQL APIs. As such, we recommend that extenders provide a link to the GraphQL endpoint via the Open API for the API Catalog.